Helpful Tips for Planning a Year Long Trip Around the World Part 0
[Index / Summary]
This guide is created to help you plan your very own trip around the world. It will offer you travel packing tips, travel planning hints, and other such suggestions. Use it as an independent guide, or with other resources avaiable only a click away. Here you will find over 11000 words on the subject of world travel, one year travel, and - just about any other sort of travel you can think of.
So you’re thinking of going on a one year trip around the world? Sounds like a great plan. But what do you need to know before you head out? First off know that it’s not impossible. More than likely it’s well within your means. This 10+ part series is designed to help bring you everything you need to know to plan your trip.
All you need to know to plan your gap year trip of a life time around the world is detailed here.
And if you need help planning your trip, beyond what’s listed here, there are a host of web links appropriately smattered throughout these pages to help you further. Best of luck, and good planning – it might just be the most fun you’ve ever had.
0. Index / Summary
This is what you’re looking at right now: A breakdown of all the parts to come, and what you can expect to find there.
1. Planning Destinations
Here we look at how to choose your destinations, and what your first steps towards planning a world tour should be. Obviously there are a number of places you’d love to see – but you might be surprised what’s out there, beyond your realm of knowledge.
2. Budget / Culling
Fantasy becomes reality in this section. Your list of possible destinations will be explored, and culled down to something practical. Issues of money, how much will you need – and what will you need it for – are discussed in this section.
3. Hotels vs Hostels
You world traveller you. Will you be sleeping in the lap of luxury on your journey, or slumming in a hostel? You might be surprised to know that hotels aren’t always the perfect choice. Likewise, hostels might just surprise you with their ease, simplicity, community, and cost effective savings. Learn about both options and make an informed decision.
4. Internet Research
You need to research before you head out if you want to make the most of your journey. But where should you go? And what should you look for? Red blooded travel junkies, and arm chair explorers will love browsing the resources linked to from here.
5. Tour Groups / Solo Travel
So you’re not sure you want to go at the world on your own, huh? Well GAP Adventures Tour Company, or something similar may be the perfect choice for you. But there are some important reasons you might want to trek out on your own too. Gain some knowledge, and perspective.
6. Important Travel Gear
You’re all ready to hit the road, are you? Have you made sure to get all the gear you need? All the clothing you will ever need for a year around the world is detailed here, as well as links to where you can get it. You may be surprised by just how little you need. If you’re into a little flash and gadgetry some other desired items are also discussed here, such as cameras and travel computers.
7. Packs / Packing
Now that you’ve got your gear, you’ll need some place to stash it. That various packs, day packs, and other goody containing satchels are broken down here. Maybe you’re a 40L carry on type of traveller. Or perhaps a distressingly strong 120L junkie?
8. Medical Requirements / Travel Insurance
You are the most important thing you’re taking with you on this year long adventure. Make sure you’re well aware of the various diseases, and viruses floating around outside your little pocket. Find a travel doctor, talk to them about risks, and get all your needed jabs. The importance of good travel insurance is also discussed in this part.
9. Saying Goodbye / Staying Connected
Just because your grand adventure is taking you in one direction, it doesn’t mean other peoples lives stop and wait for you to return. There are a number of ways to say goodby, and a number of good ways to keep in touch while you’re on the road. They are all broken down in this section.
10. No Fear Travel
Everyone runs into the unexpected, but that shouldn’t ruin your day. Find here a variety of ways to hide your money, and why you shouldn’t feel all that bad if you do happen to get pick pocketed along the way.
Bonus: Overlooked Travel Tips and Tricks
People have been travelling for years, and each trip brings them new tips, and tricks that they’d not known about on previous journeys. Learn from past experience, and if you’ve got a good secret that might help your fellow travellers, why not post it here?
Jump to other Parts
0. Index / Summary
1. Planning Destinations
2. Budget / Culling
3. Hotels vs Hostels
4. Internet Research
5. Tour Groups / Solo Travel
6. Important Travel Gear
7. Packs / Packing
8. Medical Requirements
9. Saying Goodbye / Staying Connected
10. No Fear Travel
Bonus: Overlooked Travel Tips and Tricks
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