Without a doubt this is my favourite building in New York City. Sure the Empire State Building, and the Chrysler Building have a lot going for them, but neither has the eloquence or unassuming charm of the flatiron. The way the building splits traffic, as it climbs ever skyward is impressive enough on its own. Today, it offers an architectural style often overlooked, or simply passed by in favour of those that fit more peaceably into the square holes unspokenly requested.
At the base of the building a park opens up, where local groups can meet. As is often the case – I'm finding – in this city, a group of people practicing Karate were set up in the open area. Blindfolded, they were practicing maneuver, while being, seemingly at random, hit in the stomach by their master.
The neighbourhood was just tall enough to imagine Spider-man swinging home to at the end of a long night. The area had just the right amount of charm to imagine the freelance photographer settling into. And what else was there, that I had not expected to find?
For me, I would not require a twenty dollar meal. Not when two dollars and fifty cents would provide me with a cream pie, and a bottle of cream soda. Ahh to be in a city, with a dwindling pocketbook but meals still seeming a necessity.
I just read your guest post on Camels and Chocolate. I'm so jealous of your trip- and so excited about following it via your blog!