But, stepping off the train in Madrid, it was as if I had come back to life after a few days in a constant daze. Here I was surrounded by tall buildings, organized, and disorganized. Graffiti covered the walls. People walked around with purpose.
I was in a city again!
The people here wandered the streets because they had things to do. Places to be. People to see. This wasn't a conglomeration of camera toting targets. These were real people living a real life. And there's something about that that invigorates me. I could feel the city breathing; I could hear the city singing. I was back where I was supposed to be.
For two days I wondered if I'd grown tired of cities, and needed a change. For two days, I thought this because I was out of my element. But now, returned, I'm in love with urban expanse once more.
As I walked from the train station, giant pack on my back, I looked to see where my hostel lay. It lay up a hill. Oh good! A hill! I had definitely hoped that a giant hill lay before me. That was just how I wanted to start my journey. But the hill would have to wait. First I required sustenance.
On the train, I was so hungry that I finally got around to eating the pack of party mix that I received on the flight from Toronto to Iceland. Yeah – I've been carrying it that long. There's one more left for another hunger crisis.
I tell you – McDonald's is sometimes the only food to eat when you travel. And anyone that tells you differently, you tell them to try to find another place that will serve you with a thirty pound pack on your back, and a twenty pound one on your front.
Face stuffed, it was then time to head up to the hostel. It was a simple walk that highlighted some of the finer areas of what I imagine is the city's main street. However getting in the hostel was somewhat of a problem. You see, I thought it was closed. I couldn't see the doors. I know how stupid this sounds, but everything on the street was closed, some hostels have black out periods, and I couldn't see the doors – only two giant twelve feet tall doors that clearly were not to be opened. Didn't I feel the fool when i saw someone open the door within the door? But – seriously – who does that?
Cat's Hostel in Madrid is fantastic. More on this later, I'm sure. But as of right now that's all I have to say. It comes highly recommended. As I type a party rages on below, with music, and screaming, and what not. I figure I'll check it out eventually. But I do need to sleep tonight. I've kept telling myself I'll sleep early, I'll sleep early – but I never do. Tonight – for real this time, I'll get some much needed napping done.
But quick as I entered, I locked my stuff away in a magic “blue lagoon”ish locker and headed back out to the streets. First order of business was to get some juice. I miscalculated and bought fanta. It's been a while since I had orange soda. And I now realize just how much I've come to dislike all pop. Every now and then when I travel I lose the taste for it. It becomes near flavourless, and quite undesirable. And that's where I am right now. Last time it happened was my trip across Canada in '06. So juice from here on out. With vitamin C too – that's the ticket!
As I walked towards the main park, I saw a great number of people marching past me. I have no knowledge of Spanish, but when I saw the world Aborto (like the little guy from Filler Bunny) and pictures of babies, I figured t was an anti abortion rally. But as I kept walking I thought there must be hundreds of them, thousands. No way could an anti-abortion rally bring this many people together. I kept walking – they kept marching past. I thought there must have been hundreds of thousands, but no – that couldn't be true, could it?
But religion and politics – they make for bad conversation, so I'll stop there... I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit, but as it tasted mostly like orange soda and chicken burgers, that wasn't all too bad. Gross.
And then I was in the park. A rowing regatta was underway. So, taking seat on a monument, bathed in the slowly setting sun, I sat back and watched the event play out. I also used it as a further chance to relax, and read some more of my novel. It's getting near the end now. It's almost time to break out Rainbow Six.
[Authors Note: the Madrid hostel does not like me uploading, and cuts connection randomly - so pictures and videos will have to be added later. This means the fountain, and the upcoming B.F. post will be delayed as well. But text updates will keep on coming.]
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